Natural Teal Blue Crystal Flame Sculpture, AKA Blue Rhodonite, Handmade

E2D Crystals & Mineralsرمز المنتج: 01823
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سعر البيع$5,850.00
في الأوراق المالية


Blue Quartz Crystal Flame Sculpture made with Natural "Blue Rhodonite" from Bahia

With gorgeous aesthetics and expert carving, this is an exquisite blue rhodonite quartz flame sculpture. Its unique shape, combined with the natural inclusions and brilliant reflections, makes it a standout piece for any collection or a stunning decorative element for any space.

It all started as a raw, x-large piece of blue rhodonite quartz, with the natural specimen having all the prerequisites to become a world-class sculpture: aesthetic lines, intense blue color, beautiful patterns, and originating in Bahia, Brazil, a renowned source for highly energetic rhodonite quartz crystals.

With decades of hand-carving experience, a meticulous approach was taken, and delicately, the form of a flame took shape, capturing the dynamic movement and elegance of a natural blue flame. The pointed tip and flowing lines enhance its visual appeal.

The quartz flame is mounted on a delicate, elegant gold-colored metal stand that provides stability and enhances its display. The stand complements the crystal's natural beauty and adds a touch of sophistication.

This blue quartz is named after the location where it was found, which is the same as the Rhodonite mines. It has a similar smell to Rhodonite when cut, which is why it got the name Blue Rhodonite.

I consider this a very special specimen of blue quartz because of its rare details and unmatched beauty. Please check the pictures to see more, and feel free to message us with any questions or specific requests.

  • Blue Teal Rhodonite Quartz Flame (Raw, Untreated)
  • Color: Blue, Red, Orange
  • Quantity: The item you see is the item you get
  • Size:
    • 18.6 Kg - 40.9 lb
    • Height: 71 cm. - 28.0 In.
    • Width: 24 cm. - 9.4 In.
    • Depth: 7 cm. - 2.8 In.
  • Crystal Origin: Bahia, Brazil
  • Crystal Cut: Governador Valadares, Brazil
  • Base: Made-to-Order for this Specimen
  • Ethically Sourced

Please note: this is a natural gemstone and is sold as is, we have tried our best to take pictures with the utmost care, slight differences from the original articles are possible due to color settings of monitor screens.

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يسعدنا أن نعلن أن جميع البلورات والمعادن التي نعرضها هنا تم الحصول عليها من مناجم صغيرة ومصنعي الأحجار الكريمة. وهذا يمنحهم الفرصة للحصول على أسعار بيع أفضل، مما يمهد الطريق لتطوير سلسلة التوريد بأكملها، وخاصة لأولئك الذين يحتاجون إلى المزيد، عمال المناجم.

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• يعلن البائعون عن القيمة الجمركية للعنصر ويجب عليهم الالتزام بقوانين الإعلان الجمركي.
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• الرسوم والضرائب الجمركية التي يتعين على المشترين دفعها.
• رسوم السمسرة المستحقة الدفع عند نقطة التسليم.

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